Lead Acid Wet Cell Batteries - RESURRECTION!
With all the buzz going on about next gen batteries, and the ever improving tech and safety of Lithium Ion battery chemistries, it's easy to lose sight of tried and true OLD school battery tech that still works very effectively, and can be exceptionally cost effective. And, of course, I am talking about WET CELLS. LEAD ACID deep cycle batteries. Of course, the new technology offers a multitude of benefits and conveniences. On the down side, it can be quite expensive, and often requires a great deal more technical knowledge and ability to design into a DIY project. After 2-3 years of robust off-grid use, my battery system is finally at that point where it's capacity is significantly degraded. While I saved an enormous amount of money, and got a lot of flexibility, I am not at a point where I can afford to spend that amount of money again and replace the battery units. The COVID 19 pandemic has underlined the importance of self-sufficiency - when there's no more money to be...